+31 (0)70 302 99 80
+31 (0)6 19 28 64 08
+31 (0)70 302 99 80
+31 (0)6 19 28 64 08
Jan Willem Hoek
As an M&A lawyer, nothing fulfils me more than assisting others who find themselves at the crossroads of business and law. The social and dynamic aspects of the M&A landscape strongly resonate with me.
I can offer you legal counsel on a wide range of issues. My relationship with you is always top on my list. As a lawyer, I’m open, friendly, calm and solution-oriented.
- Corporate Law
- M&A
- University of Utrecht, (Dutch) Corporate Law L.L.M. (with a focus on International Business Transactions), 2016.
Jan Willem is registered for the following principal (and secondary) legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas:
- Corporate Law (Companies, Mergers & Acquisitions)
Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.